Pastoral Council | Administration Committee | Formation Committee | Service Committee | Stewardship Committee | Worship Committee | Finance Council | Cemetery Committee


John Thomas Chairperson
Marianna Mattingly Member
Freddie Higdon Member
Jamie Sanduscky Member
Charlie White Member
Mary Creed Bookkeeper
Rev. Mark Hamilton Pastor
Kathy Shannon Pastoral Associate


The Finance Council consists of five to seven members who serve three-year terms. The committee meets six times annually or as needed. The responsibilities and general duties of the Finance Council involve the following.

Audit Committee - Reviews periodically the financial books and records of the parish to insure the Archdiocesan policies and procedures are being followed.

Endowment Fund - Reviews periodically the performance of parish endowments and makes recommendations as needed.

Finance and Budget - Formulates an annual budget for review and approval. Review monthly income and expenses as compared to budget and suggest corrective action.

Money Counters - Each week count and deposit all funds from church collections. Service is performed by the bank handling the parish’s general account.

Tuition Review Committee- Reviews weekly tuition collections to determine delinquencies and problems. Works closely with parish secretary to provide timely written notification to families who are behind in payments. Constant monitoring is imperative to maintain positive cash flow.