There is a line in Evelyn Waugh’s novel, Brideshead Revisited, which speaks to the very truth of who we must be as  parish.  The Matriarch, Lady Marchmain, had just been buried, and the house was being closed, and the local priest came and took the Blessed Sacrament away from the house chapel, and the daughter commented as she watched, “I stayed there till he was gone, and then, suddenly, there wasn’t any chapel any more, just an oddly decorated room.”

            No truer words can communicate the reality that Christ is truly present in the tabernacle, yet also, Christ must be the center of our life as a parish.  Without the notion of worship, the Church itself really would be an odd place indeed. 

Yet, Christ has been raised, and Christ is with us still.  We must let him lead and guide each of us individually, but also as a parish.  Where does the will of God want this parish to move?  I believe, forward in Faith, bravely waving the banner of Hope, and bountifully living a life of Love.

                We welcome you to our website so that you may come to know more about who we are as a community. Please browse around and use this resource to find a phone number, but more importantly learn more about the parish and the work that we do.                       

May we continue to journey on the path that brings Jesus Christ to the world in both word and deed.  St. Augustine  has a storied history of being a presence of good in the community.  Let us progress toward our future with heads held high, and proud to be called Catholic Christians, as well as members of St. Augustine Church.